Missionaries remain on the frontline, men and women already there, long before any emergency. If ever there was a time when the annual support that we offer on World Mission Sunday was needed, it is now. The Mission Sunday theme proposed to us by Pope Francis is: – “Together we can do more – Blessed are the Peacemakers”.
I invite you once again to please support our missionaries, many of whom are on the frontline in the fight against Covid 19. World Mission Sunday invites us to once more be as generous as we can to the missions. My deepest gratitude to you for your most generous support of the missions but especially at the annual Mission Sunday Appeal.
I’m deeply conscious of appealing during this pandemic time of very great distress and uncertainty. At the height of the pandemic in March, Pope Francis reminded us that we are all in the same boat in this small planet of ours.
“We have realized that we are on the same boat, all of us fragile and disorientated but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together, each of us in need of comforting the others.”
May I draw your attention to two missionary videos on Killaloe Diocesan website :
1) Three lay missionaries from our parishes tell of their experienced in Mombasa which is in Kenya and Swaziland.
2) A second video reminds us that missionaries are still ministering among the poor. Please visit wmi.ie
For more information, please contact: Fr Tom O’Halloran, Diocesan Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, tel. no. 067-27105 tomashalloran@gmail.com
or more information fiona@wmi.ie
or communications@killaloediocese.ie or fr.quinlivan@gmail.com