In this section of the website we hope to offer resources that will be of assistance to Priests, parishes, Liturgy Groups, schools and Teachers. Many people engaged in leading others in prayer are always searching for ideas and texts that will help in their endeavour. It is hoped that over time this section will grow and become a veritable treasure trove for anybody engaged in ministry throughout the diocese and beyond.

If you have a liturgy or service or prayer that has been effective in your experience we would be pleased to share it with others. We would also welcome catechetical resources and ideas that would be of help to teachers and parents who are working to hand on faith to others. You can email your contribution to

Mass of the Angels
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A Bethany Blessing Prayer
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Prayer of the Faithful (Male)
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Prayer of the Faithful (Female)
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Intercessions for All Souls Day
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Prayers and Homily For a Young Death by Sucide
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Confirmation Pledge Ceremony

After Confirmation some communities offer the pledge against use of alcohol and illegal drugs. This service of commitment may help.

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Prayer of the Faithful for Confirmation Enrolment

Prayers of the Faithful based on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Confirmation Pledge Certificate

A cert which can be given to young people who take the pledge against alcohol and illegal drugs.

Confirmation Scripture Texts

Some suggestions for Scripture Readings at the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation.

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Confirmation Schedule 2025

Confirmations 2025

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Confirmation Schedule 2026

Confirmation 2026

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Prayer of the Faithful for Healing

Some prayers of intercession that could be used at a Mass that includes the Sacrament of the Sick. Could also be used on World Day of the Sick (11th February)

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A Liturgy for the Anointing of the Sick

Can stand alone or be used in the context of Mass. Includes a blessing for Caregivers.

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A Prayer for Exam Students

A prayer that could be distributed to those doing exams.

The Lamplighter

A ritual for the Opening of the School Year.

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4th Sunday of Advent Year C

A reflection for primary Schools in preparation for the 4th Sunday of Advent.

First Communion Enrolment Reflection

A post Communion reflection for possible use at an enrolment Mass

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A Service of Prayer to mark the New Year

A service to begin before midnight on New Year’s Eve and welcome the New Year.

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Christmas Table Prayers

A selection of prayers that might be suitable for before the family Christmas Meal.

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Celebration of God's Word

Suitable for commissioning readers or at the beginning/end of Scripture meeting.

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Revised Responses and Postures

New Mass Responses. Suitable for schools, teaching etc.

Choose Life Prayer Card

Prayer issued by Irish Bishops to be used at Masses between Day for Life and Feast of All the Saints of Ireland 2012.

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General Intercessions For Life

A selection of Prayers of the Faithful that focus on issues around Life.

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Holy Hour For Life

Some readings and texts that can be used as part of a Holy Hour for Life.

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Prayers of Intercession at Harvest Time

Prayers of Intercession that could be used as part of a Harvest Celebration.

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Harvest Thanksgiving

A service of Harvest Thanksgiving created by the Inis Cathaigh Cluster.

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St. Brigid's Day Resources

Short Biography - Blessing of Crosses - Short Litany.

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Intercessions St. Brigid

Intercessions for the feast of St. Brigid with reference to the conclusion of Catholic Schools Week.

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Reflection on St. Brigid's Cross

Prayer/Reflection to accompany the weaving or distribution of Brigid Crosses.

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Prayers for the Pope Feb/March 2013

Some Prayers for the Pope that may be used in Masses during this period of transition.

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Conclave Procedure

This Booklet fromn the Catholic Tryth Society outlines the procedure to be followed for the election of a Pope.

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Lent 2019 - Hearing, happening, hoping - A Guide
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Lent Week 1 - Hearing, happening hoping - 2019
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Lent Week 2 - Hearing, happening, hoping - 2019
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Lent Week 3 - Hearing, happening, hoping - 2019
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Lent Week 4 - Hearing, happening, hoping - 2019
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Lent Week 5 - Hearing, happening, hoping - 2019
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Good Friday Prayer Around the Cross

Text for a Prayer Around the Cross. Suitable for a Good Friday evening.

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Holy Thursday Hour of Prayer
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Litany of Creation

A litany that might be suitable at the beginning or end of the Dawn Mass on Easter Sunday.

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Friends of Jesus

A Holy Week Liturgy for Children.

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A Way of the Cross

Stations of the Cross for Holy Week/Good Friday.

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Cemetery Blessing

An outline of a Ceremony for Blessing of Graves that inclides a blessing of items that might be left on a family grave in remembrance

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November Remembrance Liturgy

A Liturgy that can stand alone or be incorporated into the celebration of the Eucharist.

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A Blessing Prayer for Graves
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Liturgy of Remembrance

A Liturgy for remembering the Faithful Departed.

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A Liturgy of Remembrance

Liturgy of Remembrance of the Faithful Departed for November used in the Críocha Callan Cluster.

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Lighting Advent Candles

This offers a short set of prayers to mark the lighting of each of the Advent Candles. It gives a focus for each week of the season and makes an event giving focus to the passing weeks of the season.

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Prayers for Use with the Advent Wreath

Prayers for each of the Sundays of Advent as the candles are lit on the wreath.

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Advent Scriptures Introduction

Hearing Happening Hoping - an introduction.

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Hearing Happening Hoping

Week One

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Hearing Happening Hoping

Week Two

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Hearing Happening Hoping

Week Three

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Hearing Happening Hoping 2018

User Guide 2018

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Hearing Happening Hoping 2018

Week 1

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Hearing Happening Hoping 2018

Week 2

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Hearing Happening Hoping 2018

Week 3

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Hearing Happening Hoping 2018

Week 4

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Builders of Hope

A copy of the Killaloe Diocesan Pastoral Plan, 2013 - 2020 - Builders of Hope.

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2004 Pastoral Development Plan
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Introduction to the Process of Listening, Reflecting and Conversing
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Feedback from Laity Gathering 27th November 2011
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Fr. Gerry O'Hanlon - Input to Laity Gathering
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Feedback from Clergy Gathering 12th December 2011
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Fr. Gerry O'Hanlon - Input to Clergy Gathering
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Report on Gatherings 5th February 2012
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Summary of Collated Feedback
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July 2012 Cluster Conversation Report Part 1
July 2012 Cluster Conversation Report Part 2
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